國家設計獎 金獎
2007 Taiwan Design Award Winner

2022 年 3 月 25 日
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臺 中/ 蘇 州 亞 緻 大 飯 店 HOTEL ONE 飯店形象與標誌設計

亞緻大飯店為麗緻旅館系統2005年創立的年輕新品牌,由黃維瀚總監操刀飯店形象與標誌設計。品牌意象以橘色表現熱情,如回家的舒適感;銀色展現科技現代,如在辦公室的便捷性。從俐落簡約中傳遞新時代的品味,以Hotel One為酒店時尚新據點。
2007年台中亞緻大飯店 Hotel One 榮獲「國家設計獎-視覺傳達設計金獎」之殊榮,從三百多件參賽作品中脫穎而出,是台灣第一家獲得國家設計獎肯定之飯店業者。

Hotel One is a young new brand created by The Landis Hotel System in 2005. Design Director Silvio Huang is responsible for the design of the hotel’s image and logo. The brand image uses the color of orange to express passion, such as the comfort of going home; silver shows modern technology, such as the convenience in the office. Transmitting the taste of the new era from the clean and simple, as the new base of hotel fashion.
In 2007, Hotel One won the “National Design Award-Visual Communication Design Gold Award”. It stood out from more than 300 competition entries and was the first hotel operator in Taiwan to receive the National Design Award.