城市之森 · 國立國父紀念館

City Midori · aesthetic wayfinding system

以王大閎建築語彙為指標設計的底蘊,清⽔模基座搭建修長造型的曜⽯灰指標牌, 展現沈穩氣質的當代感,佐以微型黃⾊上揚屋簷造型之光帶, 寓意明亮、有光、有愛、正能量。 地圖設計採映池別緻的造型,代表指標有明鏡般的清澈思路。 白天為公共藝術傢俱,當夜幕低垂,城市之森亮起盞盞微光,此刻,便化作綠意中的引路良伴。
園區集結歷史、藝術、書畫,能感受人文薈萃,亦在有形、無形之中,領略指引方向。運用耐久、耐候材質,促進綠色永續;打造共好、共融環境,增強友善空間。不僅彰顯國⽗簡樸思維, 是⺠眾所嚮之希望和⽅向,更象徵國⽗博愛的精神在綠森林全區延伸, 如腳前的燈、路上的光,帶領眾⼈迎向⾃由⺠主的未來。

Since National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei City is well known as a tourist attraction and a must-see city highlight, the wayfinding signs are born for having a better environment that is concerned about the demands of accessibility.
Based on the design concept of the architect Mr. Wang Da-hong, the signages in Silver Sheen Obsidian color are slender. The pedestals of the signage are made of fair-faced concrete which shows the stability and contemporary. With the modeling of yellow upward cornice of the Hall, the luminous signages are designed to harmonize with the spirit of fraternity — representing brightness, love and energy.
The shape of the maps is designed by the concept of the Reflecting Pool which is like a mirror with a water-mist of wonderland in front of the Hall — symbolizing the wayfinding system can be a crystal clear guide.
Using the durable, weatherable material sets a standard of sustainable development. Moreover, sharing and integrating space improves the friendly environment. Not only does it manifest the plainness, simplicity and friendliness, but also stands for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s thought that the fraternity extends throughout the whole park.
